Thursday, July 3

Boy Climbs Climbable Wall

Hello everyone, pardon my absence. I'll be occasionally leaving my duties to the news network in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, here's a boy climbing a wall. Photography buffs will notice that the photo contains the element of repetition.

If you were in a photography class and 'Repetition' is a required element to show in your final A3 prints, this information would be useful to avoid heavily-moustachiod photography lecturers from viciously tearing apart in your face your expensive matte-A3 printings while spitting curses and degradatory comments at you in front of your coursemates who are trying their best to pretend to be busy at other things and be unconcerned about your horrible fate.

- Strange Young Man

1 comment:

Emerson Tung said...

gasp! a climbable wall! he is a spidermanable-man!